Beginning this month our club is launching a new fundraiser. The Canadian Flag Program has seen great success with other clubs around the country, and we believe that High River can also be successful with this highly visible, colourful, and patriotic program.
How It Works: Subscribers contribute $50 once per year and for that the club will plant a Canadian flag on their front lawn three times per year, and leave it there for a week. This Canadian flag is 6'x3' and mounted on a 10' flagpole. It has a large Rotary wheel as a finial, serving to advertise Rotary.
Why It Works: Beyond the obvious expression of patriotism, the Rotary Canadian flags proudly show subscribers' support for local community charities, societies, and youth programs. It raises Rotary visibility within the community.
What It Needs To Work: You. The program will grow year over year but getting that initial visibility within the community depends upon all Rotarians pitching the idea to those they know, and by leading by example. The St Albert Rotary Club has only 40 members yet has 350 subscribers to the program. For some clubs this is their biggest single fundraising event.
How To Subscribe: You can click here or on the poster in Links. This will take you to our subscriptions page. You can also direct folks to our club web page, the Rotary Club of High River on Google. For more information you can talk to Bart, Hank, Duncan, Ev or Damian. Subscribers need to live within a 5 km radius of High River.
The first flag weekend is approaching soon, the May long weekend. Please help us get off to a great start