Grand opening of “the Market”, a new food rescue initiative
On Oct. 19, High River Food Rescue officially opened with a ribbon cutting ceremony and presentation just outside the sidewalk of the Salvation Arm. The goal of the program is to redistribute edible food to the community that would otherwise be thrown out. Dan Marcinkowski / High River Times
Lifelong High River residents Brianne Fredell and Sarah Bruinsma had a goal of helping those that need food and their food rescue initiative has come to fruition.
On Oct. 19 a ribbon ceremony was held in front of the Salvation Army Family Services. This is the same location where the food can be picked up by anyone who needs it. The food has been donated by local grocery stores that would otherwise go to waste.
How this all began…
Fredell and Bruinsma worked together on a food security initiative while at Wild Rose Community connections and it quickly became apparent to them that food security is a problem in High River. They researched that the High River Salvation Army had fed 3732 people (1700 families) in 2017.
“The World Food Summit defines food security as existing when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy lifestyle,” said Fredell. “We know that in our town there are many individuals and families that don’t know how or when their next meal will come. With almost 40 per cent of the world’s food that is produced going to waste, food rescue is a simple way to try to get food that might otherwise get thrown away to those who are hungry.”
This program is available to anyone who needs it and with anonymous pick-ups. The food has been stated that it will go to waste, but that does not mean it is still not good to eat.
“Rescued food is edible, but often are not sellable due to imminent best before dates, packaging changes, or even just having too much of a product,” said Bruinsma.
The High River Food Rescue market will have things like milk, ice cream, meat that’s frozen or before its best before date, fresh produce and other foods. Every week it will be different depending on what the grocery stores are donating. The food is Alberta Health Services inspected.
The two ladies do pick-ups on Tuesdays and Thursdays and open the market to consumers from 1-4 p.m. They are looking for volunteers to help deliver the food on these days.
On Oct. 16, 600 pounds of food was rescued and within an hour all the food was picked up by those who needed it.
There are many who have helped and are continuing to help to make sure this initiative succeeds. Bruinsma and Fredell thanked Sobey’s and their team, Stephan’s No Frills and their team, and Co-Op and their team.
“We are also grateful to both the Western Financial Group and the Rotary Club of High River who provided a beautiful fridge and freezer to support our cause,” said Bruinsma.
“We are also appreciative of the Salvation Army team, who have allowed us to invade their space to house our operation.”
“We also wish to thank Marianne Dickson and Cathy Mathieson of Wild Rose Community Connections for all of their support in our pursuit of this initiative.”
“Lastly, we would like to thank all of the volunteers who offered their time to help protect people, place and planet.”
The team started rescuing food on Oct. 4 and have already rescued close to 3000 pounds of food that would otherwise have been hitting the landfill.
“We look forward to growing on this initiative to continue to meet the communities needs,” said Fredell.
The High River Food rescue has a facebook page for where people can get more info, ask questions or wish to contact them about volunteering.